Jump Start Your Editing with New Easy-To-Use Profiles in Lightroom Classic

Jump Start Your Editing with New Easy-To-Use Profiles in Lightroom Classic

In “What’s Wrong with This Image? Mastering a Develop Module Workflow”, I emphasized the importance of selecting a camera profile early in the editing process. Lightroom has long offered camera profiles to emulate in-camera picture styles, but until recently they were hidden away in the Camera Calibration panel at the bottom of the panel stack….

Home on the Range

Home on the Range

Mastering Lightroom Classic’s Color and Luminance Range Masking Tools With the addition of Color and Luminance Range Masking to Lightroom Classic, Adobe bestowed new superpowers to the Adjustment Brush, Graduated Filter, and Radial Filter. Range masking tools are a great way to bring pro-level precision to your local adjustments, allowing you to build complex masks…