It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the task of managing your images.
Erin can whip your current Lightroom Catalog into shape, or customize a new one from scratch, including a backup and archive strategy.
There is no substitute for one-on-one training, especially when it comes to the challenge of organizing, editing and mastering the tools you need to maximize your creative potential.


Get off on the right foot with your image library. Erin can set up your Lightroom catalog, import your images, build presets, and develop an efficient folder structure that supports your workflow from import to archive.

Free up disc space and your time by letting Erin do the organizational heavy lifting in your image library. Clean up Lightroom by merging multiple catalogs, finding missing folders and images, and eliminating unwanted duplicates.

Get ready for your next big trip. Erin can prepare your laptop with custom user presets that make staying organized on location a snap. After the trip, she’ll merge your new images safely back into your master catalog.
Contact Erin to:
• Schedule an informal session at her LA studio, or your home or office.
• Order a custom Lightroom or Photoshop video tutorial online.
• Submit your images for editing or retouching.
• Attend a live event, or travel with Erin.