Submit your own ailing images to the GoAskErin clinic. This is a session about real-world editing, where you can watch a pro at work – on your pictures. We’ll start with a brief critique and analysis of each photo’s post-production issues and options before hauling out the digital scalpel and sutures. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, 5PM July 14th, PDT (Los Angeles time). Images will be selected with an eye to how well each shot illustrates a particular topic or technique for the whole group. Upload your image for the Image Clinic using the Image Uploader Button below. There is no guarantee your image will be selected, as we may have many submissions.
Registration is Required.
Pacific time: 5:00PM
Mountain time: 6:00PM
Central time: 7:00PM
Eastern time: 8:00PM
Singapore: 8:00AM 07/16/2020
Sydney: 10:00AM 07/16/2020

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