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Out Damn Spot!
Quick and Dirty Backscatter Removal in Photoshop There are as many ways to remove backscatter as there are to shoot it, but the technique I’m about to show you is one of my favorites for a quick and relatively easy fix. I learned it first from Photoshop guru Eddie Tapp, and although a few versions…

Nerd Alert! Lightroom Classic (8.4) Improvements
Nerd Alert! In addition to the usual new camera/lens profiles and bug fixes, the latest update of Lightroom Classic (8.4) includes improved folder performance in the Library (YAY!) PNG Export (YAY!), color labels and filtering for Collections (YAY!), and GPU acceleration (hardware dependent) (YAY!). Still no fix for resolution issues in the Slideshow Module (BOO!)….

Compositing 101
I know, I know – compositing is cheating. A composited image uses elements from one part of a picture in another part, or combines multiple photos to create a single image. The reality is that if you’re not breaking someone else’s rules, or intending to deceive for personal or financial gain, then compositing is a…

Seven Deadly Booby Traps in Lightroom Classic
I love Lightroom, but it’s not without a few pitfalls. After years of real-world studio and classroom experience, I’ve identified a bunch of booby traps that consistently derail new and old users alike. Booby Trap: “Default Catalog” at start up When you first launch Lightroom, a new “default” catalog (.lrcat file) is created in your…

Let There Be Light
Using Lightroom’s filter tools to reposition your strobes in post One of the most difficult skills to master in underwater photography is lighting. While it’s always best to get it right in camera, Lightroom provides powerful local tools to help finesse your lighting after the fact. My favorites are Lightroom’s Graduated and Radial Filter tools….

Adding an Edge
Using Photoshop’s Crop Tool in tandem with Content Aware Fill, you can tack on canvas area and add a little breathing room to an otherwise cramped composition. In some cases, you might even be able to restore part of a subject got cut off by the edge of the frame. Before starting this technique, finish…